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5 differences between a US Citizen & Permanent Resident

Have you ever wonder what are the main differences between a Green Card Holder and a US Citizen?

  1. Live outside the United States

If you are a US Citizen you can live or stay outside the US more than 6 months. Meanwhile, if you are a Permanent Residen holder, you CAN’T stay outside the United States more than 6 months. IF you stay over that period of time, you may have some obstacles getting back to the US.

2. Right to Vote

When you’re a citizen you have the right and obligation to vote in all the United States Elections. If you have a green Card and vote, that it’s consider as an illegal action and may repercute when you apply for citizenship.

3. Sponsor your Parents

  • A US Citizen can make a petition on his/her parents behalf, in order for them to come and live in the US.

  • A person with Green Card, only can sponsor their spouse and children.

4. Children can become US Citizen

If any of your parents are US Citizen and you are under age, you have the possibility of becoming a US Citizen through them without taking a test.

5. Bring your Fiancé to the US

Fiancé Visa is an opportunity that US Citizens have, they can apply for their fiancé to come to the US and get married when they arrive. You need to meet certain requirements as been in a relationship for 2 years or more and obviously meet your fiancé in person.

Either way is a great opportunity not all people know about it!

Now you know the main differences between this to categories and can choose the best way to achieve your goals.