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Gathering Evidence for Your Fiancé Visa Petition: Let us Guide You

So, you're in love and ready to take the next step: bringing your fiancé to the United States on a fiancé visa. But before you can start planning your wedding, you need to gather evidence to prove to USCIS that your relationship is real and genuine.

Don't worry, we're here to help. In this guide, we'll walk you through the types of evidence you need to gather and how to organize it in a way that will convince USCIS that your love is true.


Photos are essential for any fiancé visa petition. But not just any photos will do. You need high-quality photos that clearly show you and your fiancé together. And we're not talking about selfies or posed photos. USCIS wants to see candid, natural images that capture the essence of your relationship.

Here are some tips for choosing the perfect photos for your petition:

  • Include a mix of photos taken over the past two years. This will show USCIS that your relationship is ongoing and serious.

  • Show your relationship in different settings. This could include vacations, family gatherings, or special occasions.

  • Get some photos with your fiancé's family. This will help USCIS understand how integrated you are into each other's lives.

  • And finally, avoid using selfies or overly posed photos. Candid, natural images are more convincing.

Text Conversations

Text conversations can be a great way to show USCIS the depth of your relationship. But don't just include any old text messages. You need to focus on messages that reflect your love and commitment to each other.

Here are some tips for selecting text conversations for your petition:

  • Choose messages that discuss your future plans together.

  • Include messages that express your love and affection for each other.

  • And don't forget to include messages that show your interactions with each other's families.

Travel Documents

Travel documents can provide strong evidence of your physical presence together. If you've visited each other's countries, be sure to include copies of your airline tickets, hotel receipts, and travel itineraries.

Here are some tips for gathering travel documents for your petition:

  • If you have any travel documents in a language other than English, be sure to provide certified translations.

  • Label your travel documents with dates, locations, and descriptions. This will help USCIS understand your travel history and how you spent your time together.

Organizing Your Evidence

Once you've gathered all of your evidence, you need to organize it in a way that is easy for USCIS to review. Here are a few tips:

  • Create a table of contents to help USCIS navigate your evidence.

  • Label and annotate your photos and documents with dates, locations, and descriptions.

  • Include a cover letter explaining your relationship and the purpose of your petition.

  • Consider including affidavits from family and friends who can attest to the legitimacy of your relationship.

Submitting Your Evidence

Once you're happy with the organization of your evidence, you can submit it to USCIS. 


Gathering evidence for your fiancé visa petition can be a daunting task, but it's essential to present a strong case to USCIS. By following the tips in this guide, you can gather compelling evidence that will show USCIS that your love is real and genuine.

Bonus Tip:

If you're looking for a way to make your evidence more personal and memorable, consider adding some creative elements. For example, you could create a photo album or scrapbook that documents your relationship. Or, you could write a love letter to your fiancé and include it with your evidence.

USCIS officers are people, too. They appreciate seeing evidence that is thoughtful and heartfelt. So take some time to add some personal touches to your evidence package. It will make your petition stand out and increase your chances of approval. 

Good luck!