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Bringing Family to the US? Limits

Thinking of sponsoring a loved one for US residency? While the prospect of reuniting with family is exciting, there are limitations to navigate. Here's a breakdown to help you understand the process:

Not Everyone Qualifies as Immediate Family:

The good news: there are no limits on sponsoring your spouse, unmarried children under 21, or parents (if you're over 21) – these are considered "immediate relatives" of US citizens.

For Others, Categories and Quotas Apply:

If your family member doesn't fall under the immediate relative umbrella, things get more intricate. There are preference categories based on your relationship (unmarried child, spouse of a green card holder, etc.) and annual visa quotas for each category. Think of it like a waiting list – if there are more applicants than visas available, processing times can be lengthy.

Country Caps Add Another Layer of Complexity:

On top of category quotas, there are per-country limits on visas issued each year. This means depending on your family member's origin country, the wait time might be even longer.

The Process Itself Requires Planning:

Sponsoring family for immigration involves filing a petition with USCIS and meeting specific criteria. It's not a simple form – legal complexities can arise based on individual situations.

Considering an Immigration Attorney? Wise Move!

The family immigration process can feel like a labyrinth. Consulting an experienced immigration attorney can be a lifesaver. They can explain the limitations specific to your situation, navigate the complexities of the process, and increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Need help with youe process? in us immigration consultants can help you with your paperwork to submit application successfully!

Remember: While limitations exist, reuniting with family is possible. By understanding the categories, quotas, and seeking legal guidance, you can approach the sponsorship process with more clarity and confidence.

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