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A Guide to Work Visa

Thinking about working in the US? A work visa is your ticket! Here's a roadmap to navigate the process:

Job Offer & Sponsorship (Key!):

  • Secure a US job offer with an employer willing to sponsor your visa.

  • They might need to prove they couldn't find qualified US workers.

Types of Work Visas (Know Your Options):

  • H-1B (Specialty Occupations): Requires a labor certification (proving no qualified US workers available).

  • Others: Depending on the visa, labor certification may or may not be required.

Meeting the Requirements:

  • Each visa has specific qualifications (education, experience, skills) you must meet.

Temporary vs. Permanent Paths:

  • Some visas (H-1B) are temporary, while others (EB-3) can lead to a Green Card.

Security Checks & Medical Exams:

  • Be prepared for a medical exam and background checks.

The Application Process:

  1. Employer files petition with USCIS/DOL (depending on visa type).

  2. Once approved, apply for the visa at a US embassy/consulate in your home country (forms, interview, documents).

  3. If approved, receive a visa stamp allowing you to travel and work for the sponsoring employer (with a specific duration).

Maintaining Your Status:

  • Once in the US, follow your visa's terms (stay employed with the sponsor, follow immigration laws).

Need Help?

  • An immigration attorney or representative can guide you through the complexities and ensure you meet all the requirements.

  • On us immigration consultants can help you with all the paperwork that you need to fill out!

Remember: The process can vary depending on the visa category. Consulting an expert can help smooth your US work visa journey.

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