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Healthcare Plans and Immigration

Choosing a health plan usually won't directly affect your immigration status in the US. However, there's a little more to the story:

Public Charge Rule:

  • When applying for a green card or visa, officials might consider if you're likely to become a "public charge" (mainly relying on government aid).

  • Health benefits aren't typically a concern, but some assistance programs (like SSI or TANF) might be.

  • The public charge rule has changed recently, so specific factors considered may vary by case.

Affordable Care Act (ACA):

  • The ACA requires most US residents to have health insurance or face a penalty (individual mandate).

  • However, the penalty was eliminated in 2019.

  • Having health insurance is a personal financial decision, not directly linked to immigration status.


  • Your health plan choice likely won't affect your immigration status directly.

  • But, it's good to be aware of how healthcare can intersect with immigration, like the public charge rule.

Need Specific Advice?

If you're unsure how healthcare might impact your case, consult with an immigration attorney for personalized guidance.

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