Unpaid Taxes and Naturalization

Dreaming of US citizenship but facing unpaid taxes? Don't worry, it's not an automatic roadblock. Here's what you need to know:

  • Good Moral Character Matters: To become a citizen, you need to show good moral character. Unpaid taxes could raise a red flag, but it depends. USCIS considers why you owe and what you're doing to fix it.

  • Tax Compliance is Expected: USCIS expects applicants to file tax returns and pay what they owe. If you have outstanding taxes, be prepared to explain how you're resolving them (payment plan, working with the IRS).

  • Not an Automatic Disqualification: Each case is individual. If you're actively dealing with your tax issues and meet other requirements, you might still qualify for citizenship.

Seek Professional Help: Consider talking to an immigration attorney or tax professional. They can assess your situation and guide you on how to address tax concerns in your naturalization application.

Remember: Unpaid taxes can be an obstacle, but not an impossible one. By taking steps to resolve the issue, you can increase your chances of achieving your citizenship dream.