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Public Benefits and Naturalization

Dreaming of US citizenship but worried about past use of public benefits? Here's a simplified guide:

  • Generally Okay: You can still apply for naturalization even if you've used public benefits.

  • Not All Benefits Are Equal: Some benefits (like SSI) might raise concerns, while others (like school lunches) likely won't.

  • "Public Charge" Rule Matters: USCIS checks if you're likely to rely heavily on government assistance (becoming a "public charge"). If you received certain benefits, be prepared to explain your financial situation.

  • Show You're Self-Sufficient: Income, assets, employment history - all this can help prove you can support yourself despite past benefits.

  • Potential Delays: Public benefits might not disqualify you, but they could lead to extra scrutiny and requests for more financial documentation.

Considering an Immigration Attorney?

An immigration attorney can assess your situation, advise on potential risks, and help prepare your application to address any public benefit concerns.

Remember: Public benefits can impact your application, but it doesn't have to be a roadblock. By demonstrating financial stability, you can increase your chances of becoming a US citizen.

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