Requirements for L-1 Visa

Thinking about transferring to a U.S. office of your multinational company? The L-1 visa might be your answer. This visa allows qualified employees to work in a managerial, executive, or specialized knowledge role within a branch, affiliate, subsidiary, or parent company of their current employer. Here's a breakdown of the key requirements:

Qualifying for an L-1 Visa:

  • Employer Relationship: Both the U.S. and foreign companies must be affiliated, typically as parent company, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate.

  • Foreign Employment: You must have worked for the foreign employer full-time for at least one continuous year in the past three years.

  • Job Duties in the U.S.:

    • L-1A (Managers/Executives): You'll oversee the entire organization or a major part of it.

    • L-1B (Specialized Knowledge): You'll possess and apply unique knowledge essential to the company's operations, and this expertise shouldn't be easily found in the U.S. labor market.

  • Additional Requirements (apply to both L-1A and L-1B):

    • Full-time role: This is a full-time, permanent position.

    • Intracompany Transfer: You're transferring to provide services in your existing capacity (managerial, executive, or specialized knowledge) for the same company or its affiliated entity.

    • Departure Intent: You plan to return to your home country after your authorized stay ends.

    • Blanket Petition (optional): Qualifying companies can streamline the process for frequent transfers by obtaining a blanket petition.

Important Note: This is a general overview. Specific situations may have additional considerations. Consulting an immigration attorney is highly recommended to ensure you meet all eligibility criteria and navigate the application process smoothly. You can also be guided by us immigration consultants, we help you with the paperwork to submit application successfully!