Documents for N-400

Filing Form N-400? Here's a checklist of essential documents to include:

  • Photos: 2 recent color photos (meeting USCIS specs)

  • Green Card Copy: Front & back photocopy of your Permanent Resident Card

  • Eligibility Proof: Documents like marriage certificates or proof of lawful permanent resident status (depending on your eligibility)

  • Residence Proof: Documents showing continuous residence in the US (tax returns, bills, etc.)

  • Marriage Certificates (if applicable): Copies for all marriages, with proof of termination for prior ones (divorce decrees, death certificates)

  • Selective Service Registration (Males 18-26): Proof of registration or explanation for not registering

  • Military Service Records (if applicable): Copy of your DD Form 214

  • Criminal History Documentation: Certified copies of court records for any arrests/convictions (including traffic offenses)

  • Application Fee: The current filing fee (check USCIS website or Form N-400 instructions)


  • Review USCIS requirements carefully - they can vary based on your situation.

  • USCIS might request additional documents during processing.

  • Consult an immigration attorney for personalized guidance if needed.