Unpaid Taxes & Green Card Renewal

Thinking about renewing your green card but worried about unpaid taxes? Here's a breakdown:

  • Renewal Generally Okay: Unpaid taxes usually won't stop your green card renewal (Form I-90). Focus on meeting eligibility requirements.

  • BUT, Tax Obligations Matter: As a green card holder, you must report worldwide income to the IRS and pay any taxes owed.

  • Unresolved Tax Debt & Immigration Issues: Large tax debts or legal trouble due to taxes could impact your immigration status.

  • Tax Fraud is Serious: Don't engage in tax fraud! It can lead to deportation.

  • Seek Expert Help: Consult a tax professional and an immigration attorney for personalized guidance on your situation.

Remember: Unpaid taxes might not directly block renewal, but addressing them is crucial for maintaining your green card status.