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Born Abroad to US Citizen Parents?

Thinking about applying for a Certificate of Citizenship (Form N-600)? Here's what you need to know:

  • U.S. Citizen Parent? You might already be a citizen if born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent (requirements vary).

  • Derived Citizenship? You may also qualify if a parent became a U.S. citizen before you turned 18.

  • The Application Process: File Form N-600 with USCIS along with required documents (birth certificate, proof of parent's citizenship, etc.).

  • Interview Possible: USCIS might schedule an interview to verify your eligibility.

  • Fees Apply: Check the USCIS website for current filing fees.

  • Need Help? Consider consulting an immigration attorney for guidance.

Remember: N-600 helps document your existing citizenship acquired through a U.S. citizen parent.

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