Parents US Citizens by Employment?

Hold on! Thinking you can use Form N-600 to get your citizenship because your parents became citizens through work? Let's pump the brakes a sec.

Form N-600 is for folks who gained citizenship automatically when their parents became US citizens (usually by naturalization and if you were born outside the US). If your parents got their citizenship through work (employment-based immigration), this form likely won't work for you.

But don't despair! There are still ways to become a US citizen. You might qualify for naturalization based on your own merits, like living here for a certain amount of time, being a good person (having good moral character), and knowing your US history and how the government works (English and civics).

The best course of action? Talk to an immigration attorney or accredited representative. They can help you figure out the best path to citizenship for your unique situation and guide you through the whole application process.