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New EB-5 Rules: Implications for Investors

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) just released a major update for anyone involved in the EB-5 Regional Center program. This new policy guidance clarifies the consequences of not following the rules, and aims to make the program more secure overall.

Here's the breakdown:

  • USCIS is Cracking Down on Noncompliance: The new guidance spells out what happens if regional centers, businesses, investors, and others don't play by the EB-5 program's rules. This could include getting shut down, suspended, or even banned from participating in the future.

  • What's Considered "Noncompliant"? USCIS clarifies what constitutes threats to national security, fraud, and other serious issues that could lead to problems with your EB-5 application.

  • Good News for Pre-Reform Investors: If you invested in good faith before the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act (RIA) of 2022, there might be ways to keep your eligibility even if your regional center or business gets in trouble.

  • Where to Learn More: You can find the full details in the USCIS Policy Manual (link to USCIS Policy Manual) or visit the official USCIS page on the EB-5 program (link to USCIS EB-5 page).

The Bottom Line:

This is a big step towards a more secure and reliable EB-5 program. It's important to understand the new rules, especially if you're considering investing through a regional center. Consulting with an immigration attorney or a professional service like US Immigration Consultants can be a smart move to navigate these changes and increase your chances of a successful EB-5 application.

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