Save Money on Your U.S. Citizenship Application: Fee Waiver and Reduced Fee Options

Becoming a U.S. citizen is an exciting milestone, but the application fees can be daunting. Did you know you might be eligible for a fee waiver or reduction, potentially saving hundreds of dollars? Here's how:

Fee Waiver:

  • Income-based: If your household income falls below a certain threshold (150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines), you may qualify for a complete fee waiver [:].

  • Means-tested benefits: Receiving public assistance like food stamps or Medicaid can also make you eligible [:].

  • Financial hardship: Even without income, demonstrating extreme financial hardship may qualify you, though documentation is crucial [:].

Reduced Fee:

  • Near the poverty line: If your income is just above the fee waiver threshold, you might be eligible for a reduced fee of $405 [:].

  • Provide financial proof: Documenting your income with tax returns or other official documents is crucial for this option [:].

Getting Help:

Navigating the application process and eligibility requirements can be complex. Consider seeking guidance from immigration specialists like US Immigration Consultants. They can assist with form completion, ensuring you claim the appropriate fee reduction or waiver [:].

Remember, claiming the correct fee option can save you significant costs on your path to U.S. citizenship. Don't hesitate to explore your eligibility and seek help if needed.