military Parole In Place i-131


Parole in place allows a person who came into the United States without authorization by an immigration officer to stay for a certain period of time.

Parole in place is granted on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.

It is a process by which undocumented immediate family members of US military or veterans can avoid deportation from the United States. Once this permit is approved, the beneficiary cannot be deported, but the benefit must be renewed each year.


You may be eligible for parole in place in one-year increments if you are the spouse, widow(er), parent, son, or daughter of:

• An active-duty member of the U.S. armed forces;

• An individual in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve;

• A military veteran (whether living or deceased, as long as he or she was not dishonorably discharged) who served in active duty or in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.