Our Office Location

At US Immigration Consultants we can service you beyond our border on any issue related to your immigration services. We now have presence in Mexico and the Philippines. Our primary is:

121 West Battles Road, Ste. B

Santa Maria, CA 93458 

Mailing address: PO BOX 7318 Santa Maria, CA 93456

Fax Number: Yes we have a fax, 805-922-6732


We offer a hands on touch of your account. Call us today and discuss your future as a United States Citizen.

Call Toll Free: 855-963-0988 (Se Habla Español)

Mon-Fri, 8:00am-5:00pm (PST).

Email: info@usimmigrationconsultants.net

US Immigration Consultants is a subsidiary of Sanchez Immigration and Taxes

US Immigration Consultants is a subsidiary of Sanchez Immigration and Taxes