What is a Certificate of Citizenship?

Issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), this official document confirms your status as a U.S. citizen. It's different from a Certificate of Naturalization, which is for individuals who became citizens through the naturalization process.

Who can apply for a Certificate of Citizenship?

  • Born abroad to U.S. citizen parents: If you were born overseas to U.S. parents, you may already be a citizen. This certificate proves it.

  • Derived citizenship through parents: Children who gained citizenship automatically when their parents naturalized can get this certificate.

  • Adopted by U.S. citizens: Whether adopted domestically or internationally, adopted children of U.S. citizens may be eligible.

  • Born in the U.S. to foreign diplomats: In rare cases, individuals born to foreign diplomats in the U.S. can later acquire citizenship and receive this certificate.

How to get your Certificate of Citizenship:

  • File an application with USCIS.

  • Include supporting documents proving your eligibility (requirements vary based on your situation).


This certificate is valuable for various purposes, including employment, government benefits, and international travel.

Need help? Consult us immigration consultants for guidance on the application process and specific requirements for your case.