Adopted Child? Get Their US Citizenship

Thinking your adopted child might already be a US citizen? Form N-600 can help prove it! Here's what you need to know about applying for derivative citizenship for adopted children:

Understanding Eligibility:

  • Legal Basis: US law allows adopted children of US citizen parents to gain citizenship automatically under specific conditions.

  • Key Requirements:

    • Proof of adoption (final decree/certificate)

    • At least one US citizen adoptive parent at the time of adoption

    • US citizen parent meeting residency requirements (varies by case)

    • Child meeting age and legal custody requirements

Gathering Your Documents:

  • Adoption Evidence: Final adoption decree/certificate

  • Parent's US Citizenship Proof: Passport, naturalization certificate, birth certificate, etc.

  • Parent's Physical Presence Proof: Documents showing time spent in the US

Completing Form N-600:

  • Provide details about the adoption, child's information, and adoptive parents' background.

The Application Process:

  1. Complete Form N-600 accurately.

  2. Gather all required supporting documents.

  3. Pay the filing fee.

  4. Submit the application and documents to USCIS.

Considering an Immigration Attorney:

Immigration laws can be complex, especially for adoption cases. An attorney can provide personalized guidance and ensure your N-600 application meets all legal requirements.

Remember: Eligibility criteria can change. Always review current requirements and seek legal advice for specific situations.

Need help? In us immigration consultants can help you with your process, paperwork and all the doubts to submit your application with the best way!