Married to a US Citizen? Become One

Thinking about becoming a US citizen? Being married to a US citizen can fast-track the process! Here's what you need to know:

Shorter Path to Citizenship (Maybe):

  • Generally, you only need to be a green card holder for 3 years if married to a US citizen (vs 5 years typically).

But There's More:

  • You must have lived together with your spouse for those 3 years.

Being Present Matters:

  • You must be physically present in the US for at least half the required residency period.

Good Character is Key:

  • No serious crimes and following US laws are essential for approval.

Brush Up on English (Maybe):

  • You'll need to demonstrate basic English skills (with some exceptions).

US History and Civics Test:

  • Passing a civics test shows you understand US government and history.

Loyalty to the US:

  • You must be willing to support the US Constitution and swear allegiance.

Stay Put After Applying:

  • Continuous residence as a green card holder is required from application to naturalization.

Stay Married:

  • You must be married to a US citizen throughout the application process.

Ready to Apply?

If you meet these requirements, file Form N-400 with USCIS! Consider consulting an immigration attorney for guidance.

Remember: Marrying a US citizen can speed up your path to citizenship, but there are still requirements to meet. This guide can help you get started!