Married and Applying for a K-1 Visa? Big Mistake!

Thinking a K-1 visa (fiancé(e) visa) is the answer for a married couple? Wrong! Here's why:

  • K-1 Visa for Unmarried Couples Only:

    This visa is for folks getting married in the US within 90 days. If you're already married, you don't qualify.

  • Consider a Spouse Visa Instead:

    If you're married to a US citizen and want to live together in the US, apply for a CR-1 (Conditional Resident) or IR-1 (Immediate Relative) visa. These are for spouses of US citizens.

Trying to get a K-1 visa while married is visa fraud!

This can lead to a denied application and future immigration issues.

Confused? Talk to an Immigration Attorney! An attorney can advise you on the best visa option for your situation.