Guide to H-1B & L-1 Visas

Thinking about temporary US work with an H-1B or L-1 visa? Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. US Job Offer:

  • Secure a US job offer in a position that qualifies for your chosen visa type (H-1B or L-1).

2. Employer Sponsorship:

  • Your employer files a petition on your behalf with USCIS (Form I-129 for both visas, with some variations).

3. H-1B Twist: Labor Condition Application (LCA):

  • For H-1B visas only, your employer needs a certified LCA from the Department of Labor (DOL) proving they'll pay fair wages and meet labor requirements.

4. Meeting the Requirements:

  • Each visa has specific qualifications you must meet (education, experience, skills) related to the job.

    • H-1B: Usually for specialty occupations requiring a bachelor's degree (or higher).

    • L-1: Intended for intracompany transfers from a related company abroad.

5. Visa Application at US Embassy/Consulate:

  • Once your petition is approved, apply for the visa in your home country (forms, interview, documents, including the approved petition).

6. Biometrics Appointment (Maybe):

  • Depending on the visa and your origin country, you might need to attend a biometrics appointment for fingerprints, photo, and signature.

7. Approval and Entry:

  • If approved, you'll receive a visa stamp allowing you to travel to the US and work for your sponsor for the authorized duration.

8. Maintaining Your Status (Keep It Valid):

  • Once in the US, follow your visa's terms (stay employed with the sponsor and comply with immigration laws).

Need Help Navigating the Details?

An immigration attorney or representative can guide you through the complexities and ensure you meet all the requirements.

Need help with your form?

On us immigration consultants can help you with your process!

Remember: The process can vary slightly depending on the specific visa type. Consulting an expert can make your US work visa journey smoother.