Green Card Path After Entering the US Undocumented

Obtaining a green card can be more complex for individuals who entered the US without proper authorization, but several pathways exist. It's crucial to note that individual circumstances, family ties, and legal options significantly influence eligibility. Here's a brief overview of some potential options:

1. Immediate Family Members of US Citizens:

  • Spouses, children, and parents of US citizens might be eligible for a green card through "adjustment of status," even if they entered illegally. However, this usually requires prior entry with inspection (e.g., valid visa, later overstayed).

2. Specific Criteria (Section 245(i)):

  • The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) has a provision allowing some individuals who entered without inspection to apply for adjustment of status under Section 245(i) if specific criteria are met. However, eligibility is limited and depends on factors like having a qualifying family or employment petition filed before a specific date.

3. Seeking Asylum or Refugee Status:

  • Individuals fearing persecution in their home country might be eligible for asylum or refugee status, even if they entered without inspection. Successful applicants can eventually apply for a green card.

4. U Visa or T Visa Programs:

  • Victims of certain crimes (U visa) or human trafficking (T visa) may be eligible for immigration benefits, potentially leading to a green card.

5. Special Programs and Relief Options:

  • In some cases, individuals may qualify for special programs or relief measures offering a path to lawful permanent residency.


  • Each case is unique, and the specific circumstances, family relationships, and legal options significantly impact green card eligibility after entering the US undocumented.

  • Consulting an experienced immigration expert to be guided and helped in all your proces on us immigration consultants.

  • Immigration policies and regulations can change. Seek up-to-date information by consulting with legal professionals.