US Citizenship: Eligibility

Thinking about becoming a U.S. citizen? Here's a roadmap to naturalization eligibility:

  • Green Card Time: Hold your green card for the required period (usually 5 years, with exceptions).

  • Be Present: Spend enough physical time in the U.S. (generally half the required residency period).

  • Continuous Residence: Don't have extended absences that disrupt your residency status.

  • Good Moral Character: Maintain a clean record and fulfill legal obligations.

  • Language & Civics: Pass basic English and U.S. history/government tests (exceptions apply).

  • Support the Constitution: Be committed to U.S. principles and laws.

Ready to Apply? Once eligible, file Form N-400 with USCIS and prepare for the interview.

Need Help? Consult an immigration attorney for personalized guidance. On us immigration consultants can help you if you need help with your paperwork to submit your application successfully!