VAWA and Emotional Abuse
Yes, VAWA helps victims of emotional abuse too! Here's what you need to know:
Emotional Abuse Counts Under VAWA: Threats, intimidation, manipulation - all qualify for protection and potential green card eligibility.
Prove the Abuse: Gather evidence like police reports, medical records, or witness statements.
Qualifying Relationship: You must be married to, a child of, or a parent protecting a child from a US citizen/green card holder abuser.
Good Moral Character Required: Meet general immigration requirements.
Work Permit & Relief from Deportation Possible: Additional benefits available in certain situations.
Documenting Abuse Can Be Hard: But USCIS considers all evidence, so gather as much as possible.
Seek Help: Immigration attorneys, victim advocates, and support organizations can assist you.
Remember: VAWA offers a path to safety and a green card for victims of emotional abuse. Don't hesitate to seek help.