Conquer the Naturalization Test

Getting ready for your U.S. citizenship test? Here's a roadmap to success:

  • USCIS Resources: (Naturalization Test and Study Resources | USCIS)

    • Official study guides, practice tests, and info on English & civics requirements.

  • Study Guides:

    • Get "A Guide to Naturalization" (Form M-476) from USCIS for test prep.

    • Explore reputable sources like non-profits and educational institutions for additional guides.

  • Civics Test Prep:

    • Master the 100 possible civics questions on the USCIS website (you'll get 10, need 6 correct).

    • Practice answering them repeatedly until you're comfortable.

  • Online Practice Tests:

    • Sharpen your skills with free online practice tests mimicking the real exam.

    • Check out USCIS Citizenship Resource Center, Khan Academy, and others.

  • English Language Skills:

    • Converse with native speakers, listen to English media, and read regularly.

    • Utilize USCIS resources to improve speaking & writing for the test.

  • Join a Citizenship Class:

    • Structured learning, study materials, and instructor support can be a huge help.

    • Look for classes offered by community organizations, libraries, or adult education centers.

  • Form a Study Group:

    • Review materials together, practice speaking English, and quiz each other.

    • Find local groups through community centers, religious institutions, or online forums.

Start studying early! Feeling confident and prepared will ensure your test day success.

Need more guidance? An immigration attorney can offer support throughout the process.