Criminal Record and Naturalization

So, you're dreaming of becoming a US citizen, but you have a criminal record in your past. This can feel like a roadblock, but don't give up! USCIS will consider your entire criminal history, no matter how long ago it happened.

What USCIS Cares About:

They're mainly concerned with crimes that show a lack of good character or respect for US laws. This can include things like:

  • Crimes involving moral turpitude (think fraud, theft, or violence)

  • Serious felonies

  • Drug offenses

  • Domestic violence

  • Gun-related crimes

  • Crimes against people or property

  • Multiple convictions, even for minor offenses

Even Old Offenses Matter:

Even if your offense seems like a distant memory, USCIS will still take a look. But here's the good news:

  • Rehabilitation Matters: If you've cleaned up your act, shown remorse, and stayed out of trouble, it can help your case.

  • Documentation is Key: Provide any documents related to your offenses, like proof of completion of sentences or rehabilitation programs.

Honesty is the Best Policy:

Be upfront and honest about your criminal history on your application (Form N-400). Hiding anything can lead to big problems, like getting denied or even deported later.

Talk to an Immigration Attorney:

An experienced immigration attorney can be your champion! They can assess your situation, advise you on how to proceed, and help you prepare a strong application that addresses your past mistakes.

Remember, a criminal record doesn't have to block your path to citizenship. With the right information and support, you can still achieve your dream!