How USCIS Helps to Bringing Your Adopted Child Home

USCIS plays a big role in helping adopted children become US citizens. It can be a confusing process, but we're here to break it down for you! There are a few steps involved, and USCIS makes sure everything is legal and safe for your new family.

The Adoption Process:

There are two main ways US citizens adopt children from other countries:

  • Hague Adoptions: This is for countries that follow a special agreement called the Hague Adoption Convention.

  • Orphan Adoptions: This is for countries that don't follow the Hague Adoption Convention.

How USCIS Gets Involved:

  1. Making Sure You're a Good Fit: USCIS first wants to make sure you're ready to be adoptive parents. You'll need to fill out some forms depending on the type of adoption. There's also a home study by a professional to see if your home is a good environment for a child.

  2. Is the Child Eligible? USCIS then checks if the child meets the requirements to become a US citizen. This involves reviewing adoption documents and making sure everything follows the rules.

  3. Visa Time! Once USCIS approves everything, you can apply for a US visa for your child through the Department of State. The type of visa depends on the adoption details.

  4. Entering the US: When your child enters the US with the visa, their citizenship status depends on the visa type and when the adoption is finalized. In some cases, citizenship might be automatic!

  5. Finalizing the Adoption: If the adoption wasn't finalized abroad or your child entered on a specific visa type, you'll need to finalize the adoption in a US court before your child becomes a US citizen.

Automatic Citizenship:

There's also a way for adopted children to automatically become US citizens if they meet all these requirements:

  • You (or your spouse) are a US citizen.

  • Your child is under 18.

  • Your child lives in the US with you.

  • The adoption is finalized.

Getting Proof of Citizenship:

If your child qualifies for automatic citizenship, USCIS can issue a Certificate of Citizenship after you request it. This document is official proof that your child is a US citizen.

The Bottom Line:

USCIS is there to make sure the adoption process is legal and safe, both for you and your adopted child. They help determine if you're a good fit as parents, ensure the adoption follows the rules, and even grant US citizenship under certain circumstances. This whole process helps build families and allows adopted children to become US citizens! If you have any questions about this or any other immigration matter, consider consulting with an immigration attorney for personalized guidance.