How Long Does the I-131F Process Take?

Figuring out how long it will take for your I-131F application to be approved can be tricky. A lot of things can affect the timeline. Here’s a general idea of what to expect:

It usually takes between 6 and 12 months to get a decision. But this can change depending on:

  • How busy USCIS is: If they have a lot of applications, it might take longer.

  • If you make any mistakes: Double-checking your application can save time.

  • If you have a criminal record: This could slow things down.

  • If there are changes in immigration laws: New rules can affect processing times.

Here's a basic timeline:

  • You send in your application online: You should get a confirmation right away.

  • USCIS sends you a letter: This usually happens within a few weeks.

  • You go to give your fingerprints and take a picture: This happens about a month or two later.

  • USCIS reviews your application: This can take 3 to 6 months.

  • You might get a request for more information: If you do, you'll need to respond quickly and it could take a few more months.

  • You get a decision: Hopefully, you'll get a decision within 6 to 12 months.

Remember: These are just estimates. Things can change, and it's always a good idea to check the status of your application online.

If you have a really urgent situation, you can ask for your application to be processed faster. But there's no guarantee that this will work.