3 Paths to a US Work Visa

The EB-3 visa offers 3 ways for skilled workers and professionals to immigrate to the US:

1. EB-3A: Skilled Workers

  • For workers with at least 2 years of experience or training in a skilled field that typically requires 2+ years of experience.

2. EB-3B: Professionals

  • For professionals with a bachelor's degree (or foreign equivalent) in a field where a bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement.

3. EB-3C: Other Workers

  • For workers in jobs that require less than 2 years of training and don't qualify under EB-3A or EB-3B (typically unskilled labor).

Remember: Each category has specific requirements. Consult an immigration attorney for personalized guidance to see which path is best for you.

Need help? on us immigration consultants can help you with your EB-3 process to submit application successfully!