Entertainers & Work Visas

Getting a work visa in entertainment can be tough, but there's progress!

Here's why:

  • Clearer Rules: USCIS releases guides to clarify visa requirements (O & P visas) commonly used by entertainers.

  • Industry Input: USCIS meets with entertainment professionals to understand their challenges.

  • Faster Processing (Optional): Pay extra for expedited processing of O & P visa petitions.

  • Training for Officers: USCIS trains its staff to better evaluate entertainment visa applications.

  • Shorter Wait Times: USCIS is working to improve processing times for all visa applications.

  • Joined-Up Government: Collaboration between agencies can streamline the process.

Still Need Help?

  • Consult an Immigration Attorney: An attorney can guide you through the complexities of entertainment visas.

  • Industry Advocacy: Getting involved in advocacy efforts can push for positive changes in the immigration system.