What USCIS Needs for Immigration Sponsorship

Bringing your family to the U.S. is a dream come true, but USCIS needs to be sure your relationship is the real deal. Here's how to show them your love story is legit:

Paper Power: The Official Docs

  • Marriage Certificate: Got a spouse? This is a must-have.

  • Birth Certificates: Sponsoring a child or parent? Prove the family bond with these.

  • Adoption Papers: If adoption is part of your story, include the paperwork.

  • Divorce Decrees: Been married before (you or your family member)? Show the past marriage is over with these documents.

Building Your Case: Showing You Live Like a Family

  • Shared Bank Accounts & Property: Joint accounts, houses, or cars - proof you're a financial team!

  • Shared Bills: Utility bills and other shared expenses show you're living together.

  • Leases & Mortgages: Got a joint lease or mortgage? This shows you're sharing a roof.

  • Insurance Policies: Life insurance listing each other as beneficiaries? Now that's love (and smart planning)!

  • Sworn Statements: Get friends and family to vouch for your relationship with written statements.

Keeping in Touch: The Communication Chronicles

  • Letters, Emails & Texts: Show them you chat it up with copies of your correspondence.

  • Phone Records: Call logs can show you talk regularly, even if it's just to say "I love you."

  • Social Media Posts: Screenshot those cute couple pics and birthday shoutouts - online love is real too!

Pictures Worth a Thousand Words: The Photo Album Approach

  • Photos Together: Vacations, holidays, family gatherings - every picture tells a story of your time together.

  • Group Photos: Include pics with friends and extended family to show you're integrated into each other's lives.

Witness Testimony: Backing You Up

  • Statements from Friends & Family: Have people who know you both write about your relationship.

  • Provide Contact Information: Make it easy for USCIS to reach out to your witnesses if needed.

By gathering all this evidence, you'll create a strong case that proves your family bond is real. Remember, clear and convincing evidence is key! With a little preparation, you can show USCIS your love story is the happily ever after kind.