Reuniting Families Through the CAM Program

Imagine being a child, separated from your parents by a dangerous journey. The CAM program offers a glimmer of hope, a safe and legal way for at-risk children from Central America to reunite with their families in the US.

What is the CAM Program?

The CAM program cuts out the dangers of unauthorized travel. It allows eligible kids from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to apply to join their parents who are already legally in the US. This can be a life-changer for these children.

Who is eligible?

  • Parents: Your mom or dad (or legal guardian) needs to be lawfully present in the US. This includes folks with TPS, DACA, or other protected statuses.

  • Children: You must be unmarried and under 21 years old. In some cases, your siblings or other family members might qualify too.

How does it work?

  1. Start with Your Parent: Your parent in the US files a special form (Affidavit of Relationship) with a resettlement agency who can help navigate the process.

  2. We Verify the Family: The US government makes sure it's really you and your parents/guardians.

  3. Interview Time: If everything checks out, you'll have an interview to see if you qualify as a refugee. This means you could get permanent residency after a year.

  4. Parole as an Option: Even if you don't qualify as a refugee right away, there might still be a chance to come to the US for humanitarian reasons on a temporary basis.

What happens if I'm approved?

  • Reunion and Welcome: The most important part - you get to be with your family again!

  • Starting Fresh: Resettlement agencies can help you settle in, find support services, and adjust to your new life in the US.

Key points to Remember:

  • Safety First: The CAM program is all about keeping children safe by offering a legal way to reunite with family.

  • Humanity Matters: The US is committed to helping vulnerable children from Central America by offering them this program.

  • Resettlement Agencies are Here to Help: These agencies are your allies, guiding you through the application process and offering support upon arrival.

The CAM program offers a beacon of hope for families seeking reunification. If you have questions, visit the US Department of State’s CAM Program page ( or talk to a resettlement agency. You don't have to go through this alone.