US work visa applicants (through Form I-140) must check eligibility, choose the appropriate category (EB-1, EB-2, etc.), prepare the form with supporting documents (diplomas, work experience letters, etc.), submit with the fee…
Read MoreThinking of having your fiancé(e) visit the US while you wait for their K-1 visa? Here's a heads-up…
Read MoreDreaming of US citizenship but facing unpaid taxes? Don't worry, it's not an automatic roadblock. Here's what you need to know…
Read MoreLa época de impuestos está aquí. Esta guía te ayudará a elegir el formulario correcto: Formulario 1040: La Declaración para Todos. Es el formulario estándar para la mayoría de contribuyentes, sin importar la edad o estado civil (soltero, casado, etc.). Incluye todos los ingresos, deducciones, créditos e impuestos adeudados o reembolsables.
Read MoreEmployment-based card holders can renew their cards by filing Form I-765 with USCIS before expiration, providing updates, fees, and potential employment proof, while updating any personal information during the renewal process…
Read MoreFinancial hardship, low income, government assistance, job loss, or special circumstances might qualify you for a fee waiver…
Read MoreHealth plan choice typically doesn't affect US immigration status, but public charge considerations and the ACA penalty's elimination mean healthcare can still indirectly intersect with immigration...
Read MoreFile your taxes with Form 1040 (standard for all ages) or Form 1040-SR (senior-friendly with larger font and Social Security benefits chart) for a smoother filing experience…
Read MoreObtener la Green Card en Estados Unidos es un proceso personal. Aquí te mostramos las principales opciones...
Read MoreSo you're applying for immigration benefits? Great! But be aware that your social media activity might play a role in the process. Here's how…
Read MoreGoing through immigration can be expensive, but don't let financial worries stop your journey! Here are some tips to tackle the costs…
Read MoreThinking about working in the US? A work visa is your ticket! Here's a roadmap to navigate the process...
Read MoreDownload the most recent USCIS forms directly from their website or official offices to avoid delays and ensure your application reflects current immigration regulations...
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¿Necesitas reemplazar tu certificado de naturalización o ciudadanía? El Formulario N-565 podría ser la solución. Pero, ¿eres ciudadano por naturalización o nacido en Estados Unidos?…
Piensas renovar tu Green Card (Formulario I-90) pero tienes una orden de arresto pendiente? ¡Ten cuidado! Aquí te explicamos por qué…
Read MoreThinking about applying for a Green Card and want your family by your side? You might be eligible to include them in your application!
Read MoreCertificate of Citizenship (automatic: children of US citizens, etc.) and Certificate of Naturalization (earned: residency, exams, oath) both prove US citizenship, but the type depends on how you acquired it...
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